The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
When faced with a complicated task, we all instinctively look to simplify the issue by splitting it down into smaller more manageable parts. Whilst in most situations this makes complete sense, we believe the same approach should not be taken with companies.
In a company, when things get complicated, splitting the problem down to simplify it often just makes matters worse. The reason being is that companies are in fact whole systems which cannot be adequately addressed piecemeal. Everything is interdependent and interconnected, so when we try and manage them any differently, we inevitably underperform.
Only when you address the company as a whole, can one identify and form a detailed understanding of, all the various interdependencies and interrelationships that exist within it. We believe that it is the access to this knowledge that is the true driver of corporate productivity.
It is widely accepted that start-ups and SME’s are the lifeblood of any economy, fuelling job creation and innovation. Unfortunately, they are often overlooked in practice and are not afforded the same attention and access to resources as their larger counter parts. Unsurprisingly therefore, less than half manage to make it past their fifth birthdays.
Of course, there are many reasons for corporate failure, and indeed, it is a good thing that some of these companies indeed fail. However, at the same time, there are other truly innovative companies who do not manage to create the required momentum or impact or that fail completely. In this scenario, we all stand to lose, not just the stakeholders of the company.
We have therefore made it our mission to level the playing field and tackle this inequality by providing innovative start-ups and SMEs with a whole office outsourcing solution that will enable them to cost effectively scale without limit, and at the same time, provide the founders of the business with the freedom to focus on the reasons why they started their business in the first place.

We transfer the power only previously accessible to the select few to the hands of the many.
Mission & Vision

To help promising start-ups and SME’s achieve their ambitions by providing all the tools and resources needed for sustainable growth and development.
To level the corporate playing field and help nurture a new era of global innovation and productivity.
Why Centaur Trust?
A CENTAUR is often described as a liminal being. Although made of two distinct parts, it is a complex and inherently ambiguous creature which is hard to place into predefined categories. This is how we interpret the evolving interrelationship between people and technology which forms the core foundation to our business.
When viewed in isolation, both are easily identifiable, but when combined, the situation becomes a little more obscure but yet even more powerful and dynamic. We TRUST and believe in this relationship to propel our partners’ businesses forward with the view to making a real difference in the world in which we live.

Fairness Accountability Integrity Transparency Honesty
At Centaur Trust we live by a set of shared values and beliefs that guide our actions and the behaviour of each of us. They serve both to fulfil our commitment to providing an outstanding service to our clients and providing a great environment to our team, where they are inspired to be the very best they can be.
act with honesty and integrity in all business matters
Code of business conduct
Maintaining our reputation for excellence, integrity and credibility is essential for our success. Toward this end, we work hard to foster a corporate culture in which the highest standards of ethical behaviour, individual accountability and transparency are not just expected, but ingrained in every employee, officer and director.
We have developed a thorough Code of Business Conduct that is our guide for helping us effect our business with integrity and respect. Our Code deals primarily with the following areas and forms the basis of our commitment towards:
- Our employees
- Our shareholders
- Our business partners
- The community
Privacy & Confidentiality

We safeguard and protect our partners’ data and respect their confidentiality. We abide by all laws and regulations and take pride in our compliance
Data Protection
We are bound and duly comply with the terms of the Data Protection Directive Regulation (EU) 95/46/EC with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data within the European Union.
Our clients’ data is extremely important to us and we are already in the process of implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 which replaces the above becoming legally effective on 25 May 2018.
One of our fundamental principles is the preservation of partner confidentiality. We strive at all times to safeguard the best interests of our partners whilst acting in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
This is much more than a belief and is built into our whole culture and operational systems. Our partners can rest assured that their personal information will not be divulged under any circumstances, unless we are legally required to do so by Court order.
Social responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility is the management of a company’s total impact upon both its immediate stakeholders and upon the society within which it operates. It is still a relatively new business concept and one that companies of all sizes are still trying to come to terms with.
Our Board of Directors is committed to govern our group with integrity and in a responsible manner. Before taking any strategic decisions, we consider a wide range of criteria relating to the financial, environmental and social implications of our business operations.
Annual Blood Donation
Our success in business brings with it important responsibilities. We have adopted Blood Donation as the core of our corporate social responsibility activities as it is something that we hold very close to our hearts.
We started our Blood Donation campaign back in March 2011 and to date have organised 14 events attracting many volunteer donors on every occasion. To spread the message of the importance of blood donation as widely as possible, we also produced a short film which can be viewed below.
Blood donation video
The film was produced in-house over a period of six months and has the sole purpose of inspiring as many people as possible to join us, by sharing our film, by giving blood or by organising blood donation events themselves. Words are not enough to describe how significant an impact your donation of blood can have on someone’s life.