TIME Solution

My favourite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.
It’s about TIME
Ask any successful entrepreneur and they will tell you that the most precious resource that they wish they had more of was time. But unlike most valuable resources, time cannot be bought, borrowed or traded. The only option is to use our time in the best way that we can.
Running a company demands a significant commitment, and often one’s time is taken up by tasks and obligations that add no real value to the business. By removing this responsibility from our partner’s shoulders, we enable them to maximise their most precious resource.
Total Integrated Management E-solution (TIME)
The combination of a passion for technology and over 20 years of professional corporate management experience have culminated in the creation of TIME – our whole office outsourcing solution. Unlike traditional models, TIME provides our partners with a single access point for all their corporate needs from inception to exit.
The solution is productive, secure and enables our partners to cost effectively scale without limit. As such, we believe it is an ideal fit for start-ups and SME’s that have significant growth potential and are involved in the holding of investments, the provision of services, the development of technology or other similar innovation.
Operational Highlights

Single Access Point
Under a more traditional model of doing business, a company in effecting its activities would proceed to engage and cooperate with numerous service providers in addition to employing a suitably skilled workforce. This approach results in a tremendous number of differing and complex relationships that need to be prioritised, maintained and managed.
Our overriding objective when creating our model was to make business simple for our partners. Through our dedicated group companies and network of associates, we provide our partners with a complete, whole office solution through which we avail our partners of this significant burden by providing them with a single access point for all of their corporate needs.
We believe that the traditional model of doing business is slowly becoming obsolete. With the pace of technological advancement, it no longer makes business sense to continue to do things in this way when there are far better and more economical ways of doing them.
From a purely cost perspective, there is no comparison between our solution and more traditional approaches. We provide access to infrastructure, enterprise level technologies and professional resources at a fraction of the cost if these were to be acquired directly.
As a cloud based, whole office outsourcing solution, there is no need for the purchase and maintenance of costly servers or other tangible assets. This also immediately removes the ongoing cost of compliance and constant worry of asset and data protection.
We agree our fees annually in advance with our partners. This provides certainty over the majority of the overheads that the business will incur for the year. Finally, you benefit from a significantly lower cost base for services rendered when compared to market rates.

Cost Effective

Productively Efficient
A commonly cited problem of business owners is the lost productivity that derives from working across multiple systems that do not communicate with each other. These disconnected systems create inefficiencies through duplication of data which eventually results in untimely information for decision making which can inadvertently put the longevity of your business at risk.
We seamlessly connect our systems, processes, people and data to provide a dynamic and productive, business management solution. Through integration, we maximise the usability of our partner’s data by drawing deep and valuable business insight into the functioning of their business leading to more timely and informed decision making and elevated levels of productivity.
According to research by the International Data Corporation, by the year 2020 clouds will stop being referred to as public or private as it will simply be the way that business is done and IT is provisioned. As early adopters of cloud based technology and as approved Microsoft partners, we offer all the benefits of a cloud based solution as part of our overall business model.
One of the main selling points of our solution is scalability. We can accommodate significant levels of business growth or shrinkage through having a complete cloud based solution. It provides the necessary business flexibility, agility and security that is required in today’s fast paced world. Our partners know that whatever their needs, we can meet them quickly and efficiently.

Cloud Based

Data Security
The privacy and protection of our partner’s data and records are of our utmost concern. We have created a robust internal control environment to ensure that all data is received, processed, maintained, transmitted and stored in accordance with the highest industry standards and regulations.
Our partners can access their information at any time and from any device by logging in to our platform through their dedicated and secure partner portal. Further, we store your data in a cloud account in your company’s name providing peace of mind that your data is fully accessible whenever you choose.
Our solution is based on the seamless amalgamation of people and technology. We have amassed a diverse, professional pool of human talent to compliment the sophistication of our technological solution and ensure the highest levels of service delivery and professional integrity.
Our team includes qualified and experienced professionals from various disciplines and backgrounds to accommodate the broad ranging needs of our partner’s businesses. Aside to our in-house capabilities, we have a thorough network of third party advisers on hand to assist as needs arise.

Professional & Commited Team
Operational Services Pool
Once our partner profiling phase is completed, we perform an in depth information gathering exercise where we form a detailed understanding of the proposed activities of the company and our partners’ plans and aspirations for the future.
Our solution involves the combination of insight, knowledge, experience and innovation from multiple disciplines. In order to build a suitable model, we draw upon the full range of professional services provided by our dedicated group companies.
Accounting & Reporting
Budgeting & Control
Cashflow Management
Performance Appraisal
All businesses irrespective to their size need robust financial administration to manage and control their finances and management need to have a clear picture of the financial performance and position of their company.
Our team of qualified UK Chartered Accountants takes care of all your accounting and reporting requirements ensuring that your business is compliant, properly managed and your reporting is transparent, up-to-date and accurate.
We can manage your accounting processes and your internal and external reporting, whether it is day to day support in the preparation of accounts or company compliance with regard to its regulatory reporting obligations.
As part of our solution, we also provide detailed business advisory and analytics support to help you make sense of the numbers and to guide decision making, fostering long term sustainability and growth.
Direct Tax Compliance
VAT Compliance
Companies are bound by a complex web of rules and regulations to which they must abide. Many view compliance as a necessary evil due to it being a non-value adding activity. We are of the opposite opinion and appreciate the need for governance and accountability.
We acknowledge that it is becoming an ever increasingly difficult and costly task for companies to remain fully compliant. With our compliance team and state of the art systems, we ensure that this complexity is properly managed in a cost effective and reliable manner.
Information Technology
Data Management
Communications Infrastructure
Website Design & Management
IT Consulting & Support
We have created a business oriented, IT department comprised of experienced professionals in integrated cloud based CRM and ERP solutions, data management and communication media. The department has become an invaluable asset that supports and enhances our technological footprint.
Bill Gates once said “We’re changing the world with technology”. We believe that we have changed the world of corporate management and set new standards in terms of customer satisfaction, reliability and productivity. Technology creates our competitive edge and truly defines our business.
Legal & Corporate
Company Secretarial
Human Capital & Payroll
Incorporating a company is a straightforward exercise. Structuring one correctly such that it behaves and is managed in the manner that was initially intended, whilst also being adaptable and flexible for the future, is not quite so easy.
We ensure that your company is managed and business is conducted in accordance with the company’s constitution and associated regulations and that its officers discharge their statutory duties and responsibilities in the required manner.
Sales Management
Purchases Management
Marketing & Promotion
Whatever your industry, sector or activity, we can manage your operations from root to branch. With our high-tech solution, we ensure that all the resources of the business are allocated and utilised efficiently and effectively and are reported accurately.
We have the infrastructure to seamlessly manage all operational processes without duplicating effort whilst minimising the risk of errors. We act as the engine room for your business, ensuring that at all times it is well oiled, fine-tuned and running smoothly.
Corporate Architecture & Governance
Risk Management
Predictive Analytics & Business Intelligence
Transactional Advisory
Like any corporate executive, we are ultimately responsible to the shareholders of the business. Our role is not simply to run the business, but to help make a success of it. Our intention is to grow with our partners and participate in their success.
By assuming the whole responsibility of running our partner’s business, we inherently assume the responsibility for advising them on the proper functioning of the same with the overriding objective being to help them achieve their ambitions.
Partner Profile
Not everyone understands quality, our partners are the ones that do
Our experience has shown that successful relationships are built when all parties have a common understanding and know what to expect from each other from the outset.
We do not just say it, we practice it. We have a predefined profile that our potential partners must possess for our discussions to progress.
This is not us being pretentious. It is simply knowing the type of partner that we look for to form a long-lasting relationship with. In reality, there is a finite number of partners that we can accept so we want to ensure that only the best matches are followed up.
As fundamentally, we are looking for business partners, not clients…
Requisite Profile
In essence, we are looking to partner with people who:
- Recognise and appreciate quality, excellence and attention to detail
- Believe in transparency and have an ethical approach to business
- Have the necessary background, mind-set and experience to work with us
- Recognise that change is inevitable and appreciate innovation and embrace it
If the above describes you, then please get in touch
Our commitment
Fairness Accountability Integrity Transparency Honesty
These are the core principles on which Centaur Trust has been founded and which guide our behaviour and shape the culture of our organisation. We believe that all our partners deserve a world class level of service and that is what we deliver. By applying our core principles, we set the highest standards for ourselves and our partners, irrespective of their size.
At Centaur Trust, we do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach. Due to the confidential nature of our industry and the need to build very high levels of trust in each relationship, we take a very personal approach to each of our partners. We recognise that the only way to gain their trust is to embed the principles of FAITH as the driving force behind everything we do.